Our History

Barking Pine started as a small outdoor equipment manufacturer and retail shop located next to the Wasatch Mountains in Utah. Like many small businesses, we started in the months after Covid-19 changed all of our lives in various ways. We decided to use our decades of experience in the outdoors using products from the many different brands available to us, as well as our professional experience in production, manufacturing, and business, to offer products that were different and/or difficult to find.
While some readily available pieces of outdoor gear fit the bill for what is needed, we often found ourselves wanting of our gear. When exploring in the mountains and deserts of the Mountain West or the woodlands and lakes of the Midwest with Prince Rufus (our Seppala Siberian Husky), he can be quite harsh on gear and equipment. Other times we wish that we could customize the size, color, materials, or add & remove various features to fit our needs better.
We decided that the gear we use doesn't need to be one size or quality that fits all. Our idea was that it could be made locally with high quality materials and craftsmanship. Whether we are hiking, camping, exploring with our dogs, or off-roading, there are many choices of equipment and gear to use when outdoors and we decided that we could make gear for ourselves and to share with other outdoor enthusiasts like yourself.